Subscribe to Aquatica Center sessions and classes

Fill out the form below with your contact information. Select your type of subscription and your session times.

The times of the chosen sessions will be deducted from your subscription each week (consumed or not). You can adapt your subscription to your own rhythm (as many sessions per week as you wish).

Once you have completed your pre-registration, the Aquatica Center will contact you to validate it. Payment is made at the Aquatica Center reception desk.

    Vos informations personnelles

    Sélectionnez vos abonnements

    Eligibilité au tarif réduit

    Le tarif réduit (uniquement Aquagym et école de natation) est disponible aux habitants des communes de : Moustier en Fagne, Wallers en Fagne, Eppe Sauvage, Liessies, Willies, Baives et Trélon sur présentation d’un justificatif de domicile valable. Et aux enfants de -12 ans pour les cours de natation.

    Merci de joindre une photo d'identité ainsi qu'un justificatif de domicile (si tarif réduit)

    Material needed

    Swimsuit (no shorts allowed), a bottle of water to keep you hydrated and a pair of socks or slippers suitable for the Aquabike classes.


    The AQUATIC PASS gives you unlimited monthly access to the Aquatica area (leisure, sports and outdoor pools).

    The AQUAFORME PASS gives you unlimited monthly access to all our Aquagym sessions (except for Aquabike) and to the Aquatica area (leisure and sports pool and outdoor pool).

    Admission included!

    Admission to the Aquatica Center is included in the membership for the half-day corresponding to your session (excluding access to the wellness area).

    Rules and conditions

    Please respect the following rules in addition to the Aquatica Center’s internal regulations. The rules are available at the Aquatica Center reception desk.

    • After your pre-registration, the Aquatica Center will contact you to validate it.
    • Payment for your membership or pass is made at the Aquatica Center reception desk.
    • Our subscriptions are weekly sessions, the days of sessions you select are deducted from your subscription each week (consumed or not).
    • No refunds will be given for no-shows.
    • It is however possible, upon presentation of a medical certificate of hospitalization, to postpone the end of the period of activity of the subscription in proportion to the sessions that could not be realized.
    • No activities will be given during the school vacations of zone B, on public holidays and during the emptying of the pools.
    • Payment for the service entitles you only to the course given by Aquatica’s lifeguards.
    • It is imperative to bring back all the requested documents and the payment before the first day of activity. Without these elements you will be refused entry to your session.
    • Each session has a limited number of seats.
    • Respect the hours of animation.
    • Respect the equipment and facilities at your disposal.
    • Aquabike, Aquagym and Cardio-training sessions available from 15 years old.
    • Swimming lessons available from 6 years old.